Lady Gaga foundation rains on San Antonio with Pride Month donation
With America's currently overheated political climate, this year's Pride Month has been unusually contentious. But leave it to Lady Gaga to spiff it up with a little sparkle.
As the month's festivities draw to a close, the pop icon's Born This Way Foundation has teamed up with nonprofit CenterLink to give $250,000 to selected LGBTQ-plus community centers across the United States — including Pride Center San Antonio.
The move is natural for the organization founded by Gaga and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta. Since 2012, the wellness nonprofit has been working with youth to "make the world kinder and brave."
CenterLink, an international network devoted to buttressing LGBTQ-plus community organizations, zeroed in on regions where queer youth are currently facing discriminatory state legislation, a factor — according to a 2022 Trevor Project study — leading to mental health disparities in the population.
Funds will help the selected centers provide essential services like counseling, healthcare, and education while empowering the organizations to fight for civil rights and inclusive policies. Locally, Pride Center provides vital programs like case management, safe zone training for allies, an empowerment-based summer camp, and group therapy sessions.
Locals can support like-minded organizations by donating to the Pride Fund, helping groups across the nation provide essential resources such as housing, food, and gender-affirming clothing. Direct donations to the Pride Center can be made via their website.