
Fermata for Now

San Antonio Symphony cancels performances through January 2021

San Antonio Symphony
No concerts until at least 2021. San Antonio Symphony/Facebook

Less than two months after announcing its plan for an updated 2020-21 season, the San Antonio Symphony has canceled all live performances through January 31, 2021.

The organization's 81st season was supposed to begin with Ravishing Rachmaninof on September 25. Instead, eight programs have now been axed in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Symphony says it is exploring the idea of rescheduling the canceled programs between February and June of 2021, and is considering smaller-scale live and online performances this fall. They hope to have more information by August.

With the suspension of concert activity also comes the temporary furlough of five full-time administrative staff members, effective July 20 through August 31.

"The COVID-19 pandemic and its related limitations on large gatherings — and our priority to ensure the health and safety of our patrons, musicians, and staff — guided our decision that it was not possible to move forward with the concert programs originally planned for September through January," says Symphony executive director Corey Cowart in a release. "We conducted a patron survey in early July, which showed that less than 30 percent of our audience is comfortable returning to live concerts this fall. We will match our return to the stage with the health and healing of our community, and right now our best prediction is in late winter."

The concerts being canceled are:

Ravishing RachmaninofSeptember 25-26
Performing: Jeffrey Kahane, conductor, and Sterling Elliott, cello.

Nights in the Garden of Spain October 2-3
Performing: Carlos Miguel Prieto, conductor, and Jorge Federico Osorio, piano.

Sibelius & SchumannNovember 6-7
Performing: Matthew Halls, conductor, and Philippe Quint, violin.

Carmina BuranaNovember 20-21
Performing: Michael Christie, conductor; Kathryn Lewek, soprano; John Tessier, tenor; Craig Irvin, baritone; San Antonio Symphony Mastersingers; and John Silantien, director.

Brahms and BeethovenNovember 27-28
Performing: Paulo Bortolameolli, conductor, and Eric Lu, pianist.

Mozart and ProkofievJanuary 8-9, 2021
Performing: Pablo Rus Broseta, conductor; Sharon Kuster, bassoon; Paul Lueders, oboe; Ilya Shterenberg, clarinet; and Jeff Garza, horn

Sibelius Symphony No. 5January 15-16, 2021
Performing: Jessica Cottis, conductor, and John O’Conor, pianist.

Dox QuixoteJanuary 28-29, 2021
Performing: Sebastian Lang-Lessing, conductor, and Kenneth Freudigman, cello.

Patrons holding tickets to canceled concerts will automatically have the value of their tickets held on their account. Ticket holders will have the option keep their tickets for rescheduled concerts, receive a flexible ticket credit, donate their tickets back to continue to support the Symphony, or request a refund.

Call 210-554-1051 or email boxoffice@sasymphony.org to speak with a SAS representative. Additional information and updates is available at sasymphony.org/updates.
