Los Angeles-based stand-up comedian Tony Hinchcliffe gained popularity with his 2016 one-hour Netflix comedy special, One Shot, which follows Tony in one continuous take. He has worked as a staff writer on the past six Comedy Central Roasts, and appeared on HBO’s Crashing, Comedy Central’s Unsend, and Fusion’s All Def Roast: Snoop Dog Smoke Out. Hinchcliffe also hosts his own weekly show and podcast, Kill Tony.
Los Angeles-based stand-up comedian Tony Hinchcliffe gained popularity with his 2016 one-hour Netflix comedy special, One Shot, which follows Tony in one continuous take. He has worked as a staff writer on the past six Comedy Central Roasts, and appeared on HBO’s Crashing, Comedy Central’s Unsend, and Fusion’s All Def Roast: Snoop Dog Smoke Out. Hinchcliffe also hosts his own weekly show and podcast, Kill Tony.
Los Angeles-based stand-up comedian Tony Hinchcliffe gained popularity with his 2016 one-hour Netflix comedy special, One Shot, which follows Tony in one continuous take. He has worked as a staff writer on the past six Comedy Central Roasts, and appeared on HBO’s Crashing, Comedy Central’s Unsend, and Fusion’s All Def Roast: Snoop Dog Smoke Out. Hinchcliffe also hosts his own weekly show and podcast, Kill Tony.