In 1965, one of the most beloved comic strips of all time came to life in the television special, A Charlie Brown Christmas. The show became the longest-running cartoon special in history, airing every one of the 51 years since. In 2015, The Magik Theatre’s version with live actors was one of the most successful productions in its 22-year history.
For the 2016 holiday season, Magik and the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre are teaming up to bring Charlie Brown back to San Antonio. Magik Theatre will bring life on stage as Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the rest of the Peanuts gang come to understand the real meaning of Christmas.
In 1965, one of the most beloved comic strips of all time came to life in the television special, A Charlie Brown Christmas. The show became the longest-running cartoon special in history, airing every one of the 51 years since. In 2015, The Magik Theatre’s version with live actors was one of the most successful productions in its 22-year history.
For the 2016 holiday season, Magik and the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre are teaming up to bring Charlie Brown back to San Antonio. Magik Theatre will bring life on stage as Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the rest of the Peanuts gang come to understand the real meaning of Christmas.
In 1965, one of the most beloved comic strips of all time came to life in the television special, A Charlie Brown Christmas. The show became the longest-running cartoon special in history, airing every one of the 51 years since. In 2015, The Magik Theatre’s version with live actors was one of the most successful productions in its 22-year history.
For the 2016 holiday season, Magik and the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre are teaming up to bring Charlie Brown back to San Antonio. Magik Theatre will bring life on stage as Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the rest of the Peanuts gang come to understand the real meaning of Christmas.