Filmmaker and world-renowned paranormal investigator Chad Calek is back on the road to showcase his most recent documentary, Sir Noface, in which Calek claims to have finally discovered the footage that definitively proves the existence of ghosts, which was captured during a paranormal investigation that was officially sanctioned by the Australian Government. Calek will participate in a Q&A following the screening.
Filmmaker and world-renowned paranormal investigator Chad Calek is back on the road to showcase his most recent documentary, Sir Noface, in which Calek claims to have finally discovered the footage that definitively proves the existence of ghosts, which was captured during a paranormal investigation that was officially sanctioned by the Australian Government. Calek will participate in a Q&A following the screening.
Filmmaker and world-renowned paranormal investigator Chad Calek is back on the road to showcase his most recent documentary, Sir Noface, in which Calek claims to have finally discovered the footage that definitively proves the existence of ghosts, which was captured during a paranormal investigation that was officially sanctioned by the Australian Government. Calek will participate in a Q&A following the screening.