Napako is an original stage production that portrays one of the creation stories of the ancient people of Texas. This original play will use multimedia-driven staging and storytelling to dive into the history, geography, and significance of the Blue Hole, a once abundantly flowing water source of the San Antonio River.
Napako will take audiences through a journey of discovery through the eyes of The Blue Hole and of present day San Antonio youth.
Napako is an original stage production that portrays one of the creation stories of the ancient people of Texas. This original play will use multimedia-driven staging and storytelling to dive into the history, geography, and significance of the Blue Hole, a once abundantly flowing water source of the San Antonio River.
Napako will take audiences through a journey of discovery through the eyes of The Blue Hole and of present day San Antonio youth.
Napako is an original stage production that portrays one of the creation stories of the ancient people of Texas. This original play will use multimedia-driven staging and storytelling to dive into the history, geography, and significance of the Blue Hole, a once abundantly flowing water source of the San Antonio River.
Napako will take audiences through a journey of discovery through the eyes of The Blue Hole and of present day San Antonio youth.