"The Magic of Clay and Fire," a small but stunning selection of contemporary Japanese ceramics, is on view in the Asian Special Exhibitions Gallery through Spring 2018. Contemporary Japanese ceramics come from a long tradition that celebrates both the utilitarian and decorative potential of fired clay.
Eleven pieces are on loan from Carol and Jeffrey Horvitz of Beverly, Massachusetts, with additional loans from two Texas collectors: Susan and C.J. Peters of Galveston, and Allen Bennett of Kerrville.
"The Magic of Clay and Fire," a small but stunning selection of contemporary Japanese ceramics, is on view in the Asian Special Exhibitions Gallery through Spring 2018. Contemporary Japanese ceramics come from a long tradition that celebrates both the utilitarian and decorative potential of fired clay.
Eleven pieces are on loan from Carol and Jeffrey Horvitz of Beverly, Massachusetts, with additional loans from two Texas collectors: Susan and C.J. Peters of Galveston, and Allen Bennett of Kerrville.
"The Magic of Clay and Fire," a small but stunning selection of contemporary Japanese ceramics, is on view in the Asian Special Exhibitions Gallery through Spring 2018. Contemporary Japanese ceramics come from a long tradition that celebrates both the utilitarian and decorative potential of fired clay.
Eleven pieces are on loan from Carol and Jeffrey Horvitz of Beverly, Massachusetts, with additional loans from two Texas collectors: Susan and C.J. Peters of Galveston, and Allen Bennett of Kerrville.