The Moth is an international storytelling show that features five storytellers on stage sharing an authentic experience from their own personal lives. Moth shows are renowned for the great range of human experience they showcase. Each show starts with a theme, and the storytellers explore it, often in unexpected ways. The shows dance between documentary and theater, creating a unique, intimate, and often enlightening experience for the audience.
The Moth is an international storytelling show that features five storytellers on stage sharing an authentic experience from their own personal lives. Moth shows are renowned for the great range of human experience they showcase. Each show starts with a theme, and the storytellers explore it, often in unexpected ways. The shows dance between documentary and theater, creating a unique, intimate, and often enlightening experience for the audience.
The Moth is an international storytelling show that features five storytellers on stage sharing an authentic experience from their own personal lives. Moth shows are renowned for the great range of human experience they showcase. Each show starts with a theme, and the storytellers explore it, often in unexpected ways. The shows dance between documentary and theater, creating a unique, intimate, and often enlightening experience for the audience.