In an original production from The Public Theater, the a capella quartet The Dotz will perform their televised holiday special of updated classics, Christmas pop, and seasonal songs from the many cultures that make San Antonio their home. Surprise cameos, beloved traditions, and holiday stories from around the city will make this evening of joy, celebration, and remembrance a festive experience that reminds audiences how special and unique the holidays are in San Antonio.
In an original production from The Public Theater, the a capella quartet The Dotz will perform their televised holiday special of updated classics, Christmas pop, and seasonal songs from the many cultures that make San Antonio their home. Surprise cameos, beloved traditions, and holiday stories from around the city will make this evening of joy, celebration, and remembrance a festive experience that reminds audiences how special and unique the holidays are in San Antonio.
In an original production from The Public Theater, the a capella quartet The Dotz will perform their televised holiday special of updated classics, Christmas pop, and seasonal songs from the many cultures that make San Antonio their home. Surprise cameos, beloved traditions, and holiday stories from around the city will make this evening of joy, celebration, and remembrance a festive experience that reminds audiences how special and unique the holidays are in San Antonio.