Ride is the story of a taxi driver named Stockton who's underwater on his taxi medallion due to competition from ride share companies. He and his daughter, Jess, are struggling to make ends meet. She wants to go to acting school and he’s trying to keep them from being evicted. After a separate chance encounters with a limo driver, they both decide to test their limits as to what they're willing to do to stay afloat.
This workshop performance allows the audience an opportunity to offer feedback on the script and the music. All attendees will receive a free soundtrack when it is released in June. Nicole Erwin, who heads up the Overtime Theater, will play the role of the drama coach and also sing selections from the show. Playwrights Brandilynn Stillwell and Dan Timoskevich will play the father and daughter duo alongside fellow Nightingale castmates, Venny Mortimer and Caitlin Palmer.
Ride is the story of a taxi driver named Stockton who's underwater on his taxi medallion due to competition from ride share companies. He and his daughter, Jess, are struggling to make ends meet. She wants to go to acting school and he’s trying to keep them from being evicted. After a separate chance encounters with a limo driver, they both decide to test their limits as to what they're willing to do to stay afloat.
This workshop performance allows the audience an opportunity to offer feedback on the script and the music. All attendees will receive a free soundtrack when it is released in June. Nicole Erwin, who heads up the Overtime Theater, will play the role of the drama coach and also sing selections from the show. Playwrights Brandilynn Stillwell and Dan Timoskevich will play the father and daughter duo alongside fellow Nightingale castmates, Venny Mortimer and Caitlin Palmer.
Ride is the story of a taxi driver named Stockton who's underwater on his taxi medallion due to competition from ride share companies. He and his daughter, Jess, are struggling to make ends meet. She wants to go to acting school and he’s trying to keep them from being evicted. After a separate chance encounters with a limo driver, they both decide to test their limits as to what they're willing to do to stay afloat.
This workshop performance allows the audience an opportunity to offer feedback on the script and the music. All attendees will receive a free soundtrack when it is released in June. Nicole Erwin, who heads up the Overtime Theater, will play the role of the drama coach and also sing selections from the show. Playwrights Brandilynn Stillwell and Dan Timoskevich will play the father and daughter duo alongside fellow Nightingale castmates, Venny Mortimer and Caitlin Palmer.