Creatures of the Night is a noir-style mystery that follows a private eye as she tries to navigate the maze of torments inflicted on her and her allies as they face the very real monsters in their midst. We meet Detectives Valentine and Dandy at their usual coffee shop haunt and the play introduces us to the other people who populate their world – a police detective, a newbie reporter, a damaged secretary, and several unsavory characters – as that world turns ever darker.
Creatures of the Night is a noir-style mystery that follows a private eye as she tries to navigate the maze of torments inflicted on her and her allies as they face the very real monsters in their midst. We meet Detectives Valentine and Dandy at their usual coffee shop haunt and the play introduces us to the other people who populate their world – a police detective, a newbie reporter, a damaged secretary, and several unsavory characters – as that world turns ever darker.
Creatures of the Night is a noir-style mystery that follows a private eye as she tries to navigate the maze of torments inflicted on her and her allies as they face the very real monsters in their midst. We meet Detectives Valentine and Dandy at their usual coffee shop haunt and the play introduces us to the other people who populate their world – a police detective, a newbie reporter, a damaged secretary, and several unsavory characters – as that world turns ever darker.