Goethe’s Faust is young again thanks to his pact with the devil. After Faust seduces the beautiful and tender Marguerite, their journey spirals to its tragic conclusion caught between heaven and hell. Gounod’s sweeping opera defines French Romantic music in Francesca Zambello’s legendary production, designed by Houston painter Earl Staley.
The opera will be sung in French with English titles above the stage.
Goethe’s Faust is young again thanks to his pact with the devil. After Faust seduces the beautiful and tender Marguerite, their journey spirals to its tragic conclusion caught between heaven and hell. Gounod’s sweeping opera defines French Romantic music in Francesca Zambello’s legendary production, designed by Houston painter Earl Staley.
The opera will be sung in French with English titles above the stage.
Goethe’s Faust is young again thanks to his pact with the devil. After Faust seduces the beautiful and tender Marguerite, their journey spirals to its tragic conclusion caught between heaven and hell. Gounod’s sweeping opera defines French Romantic music in Francesca Zambello’s legendary production, designed by Houston painter Earl Staley.
The opera will be sung in French with English titles above the stage.