In 1965, one of the most beloved comic strips of all time came to life in the television special A Charlie Brown Christmas. The show became the longest-running cartoon special in history, airing every one of the 50 years since. The story steps off the TV screen onto the stage at The Magik Theatre.
The Magik Theatre will kick off the show’s run with a special holiday celebration on opening night with activities including crafts, a visit with Santa and Mrs. Santa, a chance to meet the cast, and an on-stage Christmas carol sing-along. For each opening night, The Magik Theatre invites a local non-profit or service organization to partner with them, and for Charlie Brown’s opening night, they will be joined by representatives from the Elf Louise Christmas Project.
In 1965, one of the most beloved comic strips of all time came to life in the television special A Charlie Brown Christmas. The show became the longest-running cartoon special in history, airing every one of the 50 years since. The story steps off the TV screen onto the stage at The Magik Theatre.
The Magik Theatre will kick off the show’s run with a special holiday celebration on opening night with activities including crafts, a visit with Santa and Mrs. Santa, a chance to meet the cast, and an on-stage Christmas carol sing-along. For each opening night, The Magik Theatre invites a local non-profit or service organization to partner with them, and for Charlie Brown’s opening night, they will be joined by representatives from the Elf Louise Christmas Project.
In 1965, one of the most beloved comic strips of all time came to life in the television special A Charlie Brown Christmas. The show became the longest-running cartoon special in history, airing every one of the 50 years since. The story steps off the TV screen onto the stage at The Magik Theatre.
The Magik Theatre will kick off the show’s run with a special holiday celebration on opening night with activities including crafts, a visit with Santa and Mrs. Santa, a chance to meet the cast, and an on-stage Christmas carol sing-along. For each opening night, The Magik Theatre invites a local non-profit or service organization to partner with them, and for Charlie Brown’s opening night, they will be joined by representatives from the Elf Louise Christmas Project.