James and the Giant Peach is the story of four-year-old James Henry Trotter, an orphan bullied by his scary aunts and befriended by a colony of giant bugs during their journey in an even more gigantic peach, has been a childhood favorite for 55 years. James and the Giant Peach has been through six editions, printed in 34 languages, and sold 12 million copies worldwide.
For opening night on January 22, Magik will kick off the show’s run with a special celebration. Doors will open at 6 pm for activities including buggy crafts; a visit from Molly Keck, entomologist from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, and 4-H Entomology Club students (with real bugs!); a chance to meet the cast; and an on-stage bug song sing-along. Showtime will be 7 pm 4-H students sharing their “insect expertise” will include Nico Diarte, Camilla Diarte, Mack Tully, Abby Hartfield, Hannah Keck, Charlie Keck, Brian DeLeon, Denny Hamerick, and Henry Schell.
James and the Giant Peach is the story of four-year-old James Henry Trotter, an orphan bullied by his scary aunts and befriended by a colony of giant bugs during their journey in an even more gigantic peach, has been a childhood favorite for 55 years. James and the Giant Peach has been through six editions, printed in 34 languages, and sold 12 million copies worldwide.
For opening night on January 22, Magik will kick off the show’s run with a special celebration. Doors will open at 6 pm for activities including buggy crafts; a visit from Molly Keck, entomologist from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, and 4-H Entomology Club students (with real bugs!); a chance to meet the cast; and an on-stage bug song sing-along. Showtime will be 7 pm 4-H students sharing their “insect expertise” will include Nico Diarte, Camilla Diarte, Mack Tully, Abby Hartfield, Hannah Keck, Charlie Keck, Brian DeLeon, Denny Hamerick, and Henry Schell.
James and the Giant Peach is the story of four-year-old James Henry Trotter, an orphan bullied by his scary aunts and befriended by a colony of giant bugs during their journey in an even more gigantic peach, has been a childhood favorite for 55 years. James and the Giant Peach has been through six editions, printed in 34 languages, and sold 12 million copies worldwide.
For opening night on January 22, Magik will kick off the show’s run with a special celebration. Doors will open at 6 pm for activities including buggy crafts; a visit from Molly Keck, entomologist from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, and 4-H Entomology Club students (with real bugs!); a chance to meet the cast; and an on-stage bug song sing-along. Showtime will be 7 pm 4-H students sharing their “insect expertise” will include Nico Diarte, Camilla Diarte, Mack Tully, Abby Hartfield, Hannah Keck, Charlie Keck, Brian DeLeon, Denny Hamerick, and Henry Schell.