Holiday Olé Market: A Joyeux Noel is a four-day shopping fundraiser with a Parisian holiday theme that will showcase over 115 regional and national merchants for shoppers seeking the latest in fashion, beauty and home décor trends, as well as unique gifts and holiday merchandise. In addition, Holiday Olé Market hosts a variety of special events and parties including Preview Party, Pajamas & Pancakes, Girls’ Night Out and Ready, Set Shop! and Sunday Funday.
Proceeds from the event advance the Junior League of San Antonio's mission to promote voluntarism, develop the potential of women, and improve the community.
Holiday Olé Market: A Joyeux Noel is a four-day shopping fundraiser with a Parisian holiday theme that will showcase over 115 regional and national merchants for shoppers seeking the latest in fashion, beauty and home décor trends, as well as unique gifts and holiday merchandise. In addition, Holiday Olé Market hosts a variety of special events and parties including Preview Party, Pajamas & Pancakes, Girls’ Night Out and Ready, Set Shop! and Sunday Funday.
Proceeds from the event advance the Junior League of San Antonio's mission to promote voluntarism, develop the potential of women, and improve the community.
Holiday Olé Market: A Joyeux Noel is a four-day shopping fundraiser with a Parisian holiday theme that will showcase over 115 regional and national merchants for shoppers seeking the latest in fashion, beauty and home décor trends, as well as unique gifts and holiday merchandise. In addition, Holiday Olé Market hosts a variety of special events and parties including Preview Party, Pajamas & Pancakes, Girls’ Night Out and Ready, Set Shop! and Sunday Funday.
Proceeds from the event advance the Junior League of San Antonio's mission to promote voluntarism, develop the potential of women, and improve the community.