The critically acclaimed musical film, La La Land, that features an aspiring jazz musician pursuing his dreams to open his own local jazz club comes to real life at Jazz, TX. The musical revue event comes from the stages of Las Vegas and will feature Jazz, TX club owner Doc Watkins and special guests Graham Fenton (star of Las Vegas’ Jersey Boys), Dave Damiani (from Sinatra 100, CBS' Vegas), Bijon Watson (trumpet player featured in La La Land film), and Watkins’ orchestra.
The critically acclaimed musical film, La La Land, that features an aspiring jazz musician pursuing his dreams to open his own local jazz club comes to real life at Jazz, TX. The musical revue event comes from the stages of Las Vegas and will feature Jazz, TX club owner Doc Watkins and special guests Graham Fenton (star of Las Vegas’ Jersey Boys), Dave Damiani (from Sinatra 100, CBS' Vegas), Bijon Watson (trumpet player featured in La La Land film), and Watkins’ orchestra.
The critically acclaimed musical film, La La Land, that features an aspiring jazz musician pursuing his dreams to open his own local jazz club comes to real life at Jazz, TX. The musical revue event comes from the stages of Las Vegas and will feature Jazz, TX club owner Doc Watkins and special guests Graham Fenton (star of Las Vegas’ Jersey Boys), Dave Damiani (from Sinatra 100, CBS' Vegas), Bijon Watson (trumpet player featured in La La Land film), and Watkins’ orchestra.