SGBC South Texas is hosting a tour of a historic home in the King William Neighborhood. The house at the corner of King William and Turner was built in 1863 and was added on several times before the house was subdivided to have six separate apartments. The house fell into disrepair and remained abandoned for many years.
It was bought in 2013 and the new owner, Juan Fernandez, wanted to restore the house to its former glory. While beginning restoration, a neighbor brought over an old photo that showed a grand entry porch with four columns that had long been removed. Rebuilding the entry was added to the construction plans. The old add-ons were removed, and a new kitchen wing was built. All renovations were built to meet LEED Standards, and the home achieved LEED Silver Certification.
The tour will include "before" photos to compare to the restored areas, as well as a review of the LEED Checklist for the project and how Historic Preservation and LEED can be achieved simultaneously.
SGBC South Texas is hosting a tour of a historic home in the King William Neighborhood. The house at the corner of King William and Turner was built in 1863 and was added on several times before the house was subdivided to have six separate apartments. The house fell into disrepair and remained abandoned for many years.
It was bought in 2013 and the new owner, Juan Fernandez, wanted to restore the house to its former glory. While beginning restoration, a neighbor brought over an old photo that showed a grand entry porch with four columns that had long been removed. Rebuilding the entry was added to the construction plans. The old add-ons were removed, and a new kitchen wing was built. All renovations were built to meet LEED Standards, and the home achieved LEED Silver Certification.
The tour will include "before" photos to compare to the restored areas, as well as a review of the LEED Checklist for the project and how Historic Preservation and LEED can be achieved simultaneously.
SGBC South Texas is hosting a tour of a historic home in the King William Neighborhood. The house at the corner of King William and Turner was built in 1863 and was added on several times before the house was subdivided to have six separate apartments. The house fell into disrepair and remained abandoned for many years.
It was bought in 2013 and the new owner, Juan Fernandez, wanted to restore the house to its former glory. While beginning restoration, a neighbor brought over an old photo that showed a grand entry porch with four columns that had long been removed. Rebuilding the entry was added to the construction plans. The old add-ons were removed, and a new kitchen wing was built. All renovations were built to meet LEED Standards, and the home achieved LEED Silver Certification.
The tour will include "before" photos to compare to the restored areas, as well as a review of the LEED Checklist for the project and how Historic Preservation and LEED can be achieved simultaneously.