Catrinas on the River Parade will feature more than 22 barges spotlighting local San Antonio organizations, special guests, and dignitaries. Seat sales for the parade benefit the Rey Feo Scholarship Foundation, which provides scholarships to local children. The grand opening of Day of the Dead San Antonio will launch both the festival and Catrinas on the River parade with a special ceremony afloat a barge. Mariachis and Day of the Dead dancers portraying La Danza de Las Mojigangas will launch this inaugural parade. Mojigangas, or giant dancing puppet figures, are a traditional part of Day of the Dead celebrations.
Catrinas on the River Parade will feature more than 22 barges spotlighting local San Antonio organizations, special guests, and dignitaries. Seat sales for the parade benefit the Rey Feo Scholarship Foundation, which provides scholarships to local children. The grand opening of Day of the Dead San Antonio will launch both the festival and Catrinas on the River parade with a special ceremony afloat a barge. Mariachis and Day of the Dead dancers portraying La Danza de Las Mojigangas will launch this inaugural parade. Mojigangas, or giant dancing puppet figures, are a traditional part of Day of the Dead celebrations.
Catrinas on the River Parade will feature more than 22 barges spotlighting local San Antonio organizations, special guests, and dignitaries. Seat sales for the parade benefit the Rey Feo Scholarship Foundation, which provides scholarships to local children. The grand opening of Day of the Dead San Antonio will launch both the festival and Catrinas on the River parade with a special ceremony afloat a barge. Mariachis and Day of the Dead dancers portraying La Danza de Las Mojigangas will launch this inaugural parade. Mojigangas, or giant dancing puppet figures, are a traditional part of Day of the Dead celebrations.