This entirely new show brings Criss Angel’s famous sleight of hand street magic, mentalism, and even some of his most iconic illusions to life – all performed in an intimate, raw setting. This extraordinary evening of magic unplugged features Criss and some of his amazing friends with a stripped-down purity that’s in-your-face and guaranteed to blow minds.
This entirely new show brings Criss Angel’s famous sleight of hand street magic, mentalism, and even some of his most iconic illusions to life – all performed in an intimate, raw setting. This extraordinary evening of magic unplugged features Criss and some of his amazing friends with a stripped-down purity that’s in-your-face and guaranteed to blow minds.
This entirely new show brings Criss Angel’s famous sleight of hand street magic, mentalism, and even some of his most iconic illusions to life – all performed in an intimate, raw setting. This extraordinary evening of magic unplugged features Criss and some of his amazing friends with a stripped-down purity that’s in-your-face and guaranteed to blow minds.