This family-friendly, horror-comedy has two actors play all of the play's eight characters, racing through a literal quick-change marathon. Combine all that with crazy plot twists & inspired audience interactions The Mystery of Irma Vep guarantees fun for everyone. Literary detectives will also recognize dialogue lifted from Ibsen, Shakespeare, Poe, Oscar Wilde and many contemporary twists. There will be a costume contest and prizes to be given away as well.
This family-friendly, horror-comedy has two actors play all of the play's eight characters, racing through a literal quick-change marathon. Combine all that with crazy plot twists & inspired audience interactions The Mystery of Irma Vep guarantees fun for everyone. Literary detectives will also recognize dialogue lifted from Ibsen, Shakespeare, Poe, Oscar Wilde and many contemporary twists. There will be a costume contest and prizes to be given away as well.
This family-friendly, horror-comedy has two actors play all of the play's eight characters, racing through a literal quick-change marathon. Combine all that with crazy plot twists & inspired audience interactions The Mystery of Irma Vep guarantees fun for everyone. Literary detectives will also recognize dialogue lifted from Ibsen, Shakespeare, Poe, Oscar Wilde and many contemporary twists. There will be a costume contest and prizes to be given away as well.