Our Town is a heartfelt classic drama tells the story of the fictional American small town of Grover’s Corners between 1901 and 1913 through the everyday lives of its citizens. How do the characters find meaning and contentment as their dreams, relationships, and futures unfold?
Audience members are asked to bring their own chairs and/or blankets. Masks are required. Masks and chairs will be available for purchase.
Our Town is a heartfelt classic drama tells the story of the fictional American small town of Grover’s Corners between 1901 and 1913 through the everyday lives of its citizens. How do the characters find meaning and contentment as their dreams, relationships, and futures unfold?
Audience members are asked to bring their own chairs and/or blankets. Masks are required. Masks and chairs will be available for purchase.
Our Town is a heartfelt classic drama tells the story of the fictional American small town of Grover’s Corners between 1901 and 1913 through the everyday lives of its citizens. How do the characters find meaning and contentment as their dreams, relationships, and futures unfold?
Audience members are asked to bring their own chairs and/or blankets. Masks are required. Masks and chairs will be available for purchase.