Taking place two years after the conclusion of Jane Austen’s beloved novel Pride and Prejudice, the bookish, oft-neglected middle sister Mary Bennet becomes the center of the holiday story. When the shy, bookworm Arthur de Bourgh turns up unexpectedly at the family celebration, Mary must learn to be the heroine of her own story in order to receive the romance she longs for.
Taking place two years after the conclusion of Jane Austen’s beloved novel Pride and Prejudice, the bookish, oft-neglected middle sister Mary Bennet becomes the center of the holiday story. When the shy, bookworm Arthur de Bourgh turns up unexpectedly at the family celebration, Mary must learn to be the heroine of her own story in order to receive the romance she longs for.
Taking place two years after the conclusion of Jane Austen’s beloved novel Pride and Prejudice, the bookish, oft-neglected middle sister Mary Bennet becomes the center of the holiday story. When the shy, bookworm Arthur de Bourgh turns up unexpectedly at the family celebration, Mary must learn to be the heroine of her own story in order to receive the romance she longs for.