Pekka is a tiny turtle who every night impatiently awaits her bedtime story. But what if Jacyntha, the elder needed the moon to invent her stories. And what if tonight, the moon had decided not to show up...
And what if Pekka loved her stories so much so that she decided to go and look for Miss Moon...because everyone loves the moon… the stars love her company, the sea follows her dance and the lovers walk in her soft light. But where is Miss Moon hiding and why doesn’t she want to shine?
Pekka is a tiny turtle who every night impatiently awaits her bedtime story. But what if Jacyntha, the elder needed the moon to invent her stories. And what if tonight, the moon had decided not to show up...
And what if Pekka loved her stories so much so that she decided to go and look for Miss Moon...because everyone loves the moon… the stars love her company, the sea follows her dance and the lovers walk in her soft light. But where is Miss Moon hiding and why doesn’t she want to shine?
Pekka is a tiny turtle who every night impatiently awaits her bedtime story. But what if Jacyntha, the elder needed the moon to invent her stories. And what if tonight, the moon had decided not to show up...
And what if Pekka loved her stories so much so that she decided to go and look for Miss Moon...because everyone loves the moon… the stars love her company, the sea follows her dance and the lovers walk in her soft light. But where is Miss Moon hiding and why doesn’t she want to shine?