Children’s Ballet of San Antonio presents the magical story of Cinderella. Cast members bring to life the enchantment of this classic story, complete with a wicked step-mother, clumsy step-sisters, a fairy-godmother, and, of course, a handsome prince. Cinderella features a talented cast of 200 young artists, ranging in age from 3 to 19 and includes internationally acclaimed classical dancers, gifted special needs artists, and many other exceptional young children.
Children’s Ballet of San Antonio presents the magical story of Cinderella. Cast members bring to life the enchantment of this classic story, complete with a wicked step-mother, clumsy step-sisters, a fairy-godmother, and, of course, a handsome prince. Cinderella features a talented cast of 200 young artists, ranging in age from 3 to 19 and includes internationally acclaimed classical dancers, gifted special needs artists, and many other exceptional young children.
Children’s Ballet of San Antonio presents the magical story of Cinderella. Cast members bring to life the enchantment of this classic story, complete with a wicked step-mother, clumsy step-sisters, a fairy-godmother, and, of course, a handsome prince. Cinderella features a talented cast of 200 young artists, ranging in age from 3 to 19 and includes internationally acclaimed classical dancers, gifted special needs artists, and many other exceptional young children.