International megastars Celtic Thunder will come to San Antonio with Legacy, a brand new show that celebrates the influence of Irish and Celtic music around the world. Legacy is a live show featuring a mix of lively, fast paced and upbeat songs. “A Place in The Choir,” “Galway Girl,” and “Raggle Taggle Gypsy” represent the fun-loving nature of the Irish, and slower classic ballads “Danny Boy,” “Noreen,” and “Buachaille On Eirne” portray a more nostalgic and romantic side.
International megastars Celtic Thunder will come to San Antonio with Legacy, a brand new show that celebrates the influence of Irish and Celtic music around the world. Legacy is a live show featuring a mix of lively, fast paced and upbeat songs. “A Place in The Choir,” “Galway Girl,” and “Raggle Taggle Gypsy” represent the fun-loving nature of the Irish, and slower classic ballads “Danny Boy,” “Noreen,” and “Buachaille On Eirne” portray a more nostalgic and romantic side.
International megastars Celtic Thunder will come to San Antonio with Legacy, a brand new show that celebrates the influence of Irish and Celtic music around the world. Legacy is a live show featuring a mix of lively, fast paced and upbeat songs. “A Place in The Choir,” “Galway Girl,” and “Raggle Taggle Gypsy” represent the fun-loving nature of the Irish, and slower classic ballads “Danny Boy,” “Noreen,” and “Buachaille On Eirne” portray a more nostalgic and romantic side.