This production of The Wizard of Oz is an enchanting adaptation of the all-time classic. Developed from the ever popular MGM screenplay, this new production contains the beloved Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg songs from the Oscar®-winning movie score, all the favorite characters and iconic moments, plus a few surprises along the way, including new songs by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber.
This production of The Wizard of Oz is an enchanting adaptation of the all-time classic. Developed from the ever popular MGM screenplay, this new production contains the beloved Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg songs from the Oscar®-winning movie score, all the favorite characters and iconic moments, plus a few surprises along the way, including new songs by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber.
This production of The Wizard of Oz is an enchanting adaptation of the all-time classic. Developed from the ever popular MGM screenplay, this new production contains the beloved Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg songs from the Oscar®-winning movie score, all the favorite characters and iconic moments, plus a few surprises along the way, including new songs by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber.