The 3rd Annual Native Film Series showcases a selection of thought-provoking documentaries that feature original and diverse indigenous stories. All were directed, written, produced by, and/or star Native Americans. Dr. Dustin Tahmahkera (Comanche Nation), Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, curated the series and will lead a discussion following each screening.
February 20:
- Navajo Talking Picture (1986/40 min./NR): Filmmaker Arlene Bowman documents her grandmother’s traditional lifestyle on the Reservation in spite of her forceful objections to her invasion of privacy, raising issues of “insider/outsider” status.
- Miss Navajo (2007/58 min./NR): This film explores the role of women and tradition in Diné (Navajo) culture as it follows a young woman’s quest for the Miss Navajo Nation crown.
Additional Programs in the Native Film Series:
- March 20: Comancheria - Comancheria—the name commonly given to the historical territory of the Comanche Indians— blurs the lines between fiction and nonfiction as it follows the journey of a group of Comanches preparing for a sweat lodge.
- March 20: LaDonna Harris: Indian 101 -This documentary chronicles the life of Comanche activist and civil rights leader LaDonna Harris, who has fought segregation and assisted grassroots Native and women’s groups since the 1960’s.
- April 17: Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World -This film examines the deep and overlooked influence of Native Americans on popular music by highlighting iconic musicians like Link Wray, Buffy Sainte-Marie, and more. The film shows how these pioneering indigenous musicians helped shape music history and pop culture.
The 3rd Annual Native Film Series showcases a selection of thought-provoking documentaries that feature original and diverse indigenous stories. All were directed, written, produced by, and/or star Native Americans. Dr. Dustin Tahmahkera (Comanche Nation), Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, curated the series and will lead a discussion following each screening.
February 20:
- Navajo Talking Picture (1986/40 min./NR): Filmmaker Arlene Bowman documents her grandmother’s traditional lifestyle on the Reservation in spite of her forceful objections to her invasion of privacy, raising issues of “insider/outsider” status.
- Miss Navajo (2007/58 min./NR): This film explores the role of women and tradition in Diné (Navajo) culture as it follows a young woman’s quest for the Miss Navajo Nation crown.
Additional Programs in the Native Film Series:
- March 20: Comancheria - Comancheria—the name commonly given to the historical territory of the Comanche Indians— blurs the lines between fiction and nonfiction as it follows the journey of a group of Comanches preparing for a sweat lodge.
- March 20: LaDonna Harris: Indian 101 -This documentary chronicles the life of Comanche activist and civil rights leader LaDonna Harris, who has fought segregation and assisted grassroots Native and women’s groups since the 1960’s.
- April 17: Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World -This film examines the deep and overlooked influence of Native Americans on popular music by highlighting iconic musicians like Link Wray, Buffy Sainte-Marie, and more. The film shows how these pioneering indigenous musicians helped shape music history and pop culture.
The 3rd Annual Native Film Series showcases a selection of thought-provoking documentaries that feature original and diverse indigenous stories. All were directed, written, produced by, and/or star Native Americans. Dr. Dustin Tahmahkera (Comanche Nation), Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, curated the series and will lead a discussion following each screening.
February 20:
- Navajo Talking Picture (1986/40 min./NR): Filmmaker Arlene Bowman documents her grandmother’s traditional lifestyle on the Reservation in spite of her forceful objections to her invasion of privacy, raising issues of “insider/outsider” status.
- Miss Navajo (2007/58 min./NR): This film explores the role of women and tradition in Diné (Navajo) culture as it follows a young woman’s quest for the Miss Navajo Nation crown.
Additional Programs in the Native Film Series:
- March 20: Comancheria - Comancheria—the name commonly given to the historical territory of the Comanche Indians— blurs the lines between fiction and nonfiction as it follows the journey of a group of Comanches preparing for a sweat lodge.
- March 20: LaDonna Harris: Indian 101 -This documentary chronicles the life of Comanche activist and civil rights leader LaDonna Harris, who has fought segregation and assisted grassroots Native and women’s groups since the 1960’s.
- April 17: Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World -This film examines the deep and overlooked influence of Native Americans on popular music by highlighting iconic musicians like Link Wray, Buffy Sainte-Marie, and more. The film shows how these pioneering indigenous musicians helped shape music history and pop culture.