Venture into a world of magic and enchantment with Beauty and the Beast, a tale of unlikely friendships, lively adventures, and the power of true love. Cursed to live his life as a ghastly beast because of his arrogance, a handsome prince must find true love to break the spell ... but who could find his inner beauty to love a Beast?
Venture into a world of magic and enchantment with Beauty and the Beast, a tale of unlikely friendships, lively adventures, and the power of true love. Cursed to live his life as a ghastly beast because of his arrogance, a handsome prince must find true love to break the spell ... but who could find his inner beauty to love a Beast?
Venture into a world of magic and enchantment with Beauty and the Beast, a tale of unlikely friendships, lively adventures, and the power of true love. Cursed to live his life as a ghastly beast because of his arrogance, a handsome prince must find true love to break the spell ... but who could find his inner beauty to love a Beast?
Tobin Center for the Performing Arts
100 Auditorium Cir.
San Antonio, TX 78205
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.