The dizzyingly beautiful Alice in Wonderland is a captivating production that stems from the collaboration between choreographer Brian Enos and visual artist Luis Grané. Enos and Grané bring to life the classic Lewis Carroll story of a girl swept away by her imagination to a place of exquisite beauty and absurdity, where anything is possible and the probable is turned upside down.
The production combines Grané’s surrealist projection, costume and set design with Enos’ hybrid of classical and contemporary movement to transport the audience on a journey through the fantastical.
The dizzyingly beautiful Alice in Wonderland is a captivating production that stems from the collaboration between choreographer Brian Enos and visual artist Luis Grané. Enos and Grané bring to life the classic Lewis Carroll story of a girl swept away by her imagination to a place of exquisite beauty and absurdity, where anything is possible and the probable is turned upside down.
The production combines Grané’s surrealist projection, costume and set design with Enos’ hybrid of classical and contemporary movement to transport the audience on a journey through the fantastical.
The dizzyingly beautiful Alice in Wonderland is a captivating production that stems from the collaboration between choreographer Brian Enos and visual artist Luis Grané. Enos and Grané bring to life the classic Lewis Carroll story of a girl swept away by her imagination to a place of exquisite beauty and absurdity, where anything is possible and the probable is turned upside down.
The production combines Grané’s surrealist projection, costume and set design with Enos’ hybrid of classical and contemporary movement to transport the audience on a journey through the fantastical.