Filmgoers in San Antonio will unite with over 100,000 film lovers across the world to view and judge the work of the next generation of filmmakers at the 2016 Manhattan Short Film Festival.
Manhattan Short’s unique feature is that it offers cinema goers a chance to become film critics, filling out a ballot after the screening that allows them to vote for Best Film and Best Actor. Votes will be sent to Manhattan Short HQ, and winners announced at ManhattanShort.com on Monday, October 3.
All of the final 10 short films will become Oscar-qualified, meaning they will become automatically eligible for an Academy Award nomination. The ten finalist films include:
- The Tunnel (Norway)
- Carousel (UK)
- Kaputt (Germany)
- Ella Got A Promotion? (USA)
- Hold On (The Netherlands)
- Bravoman (Russia)
- Overtime (Australia)
- Gorilla (France)
- I Am A Pencil (Australia)
- The Last Journey of the Enigmatic Paul WR (France).
Filmgoers in San Antonio will unite with over 100,000 film lovers across the world to view and judge the work of the next generation of filmmakers at the 2016 Manhattan Short Film Festival.
Manhattan Short’s unique feature is that it offers cinema goers a chance to become film critics, filling out a ballot after the screening that allows them to vote for Best Film and Best Actor. Votes will be sent to Manhattan Short HQ, and winners announced at ManhattanShort.com on Monday, October 3.
All of the final 10 short films will become Oscar-qualified, meaning they will become automatically eligible for an Academy Award nomination. The ten finalist films include:
- The Tunnel (Norway)
- Carousel (UK)
- Kaputt (Germany)
- Ella Got A Promotion? (USA)
- Hold On (The Netherlands)
- Bravoman (Russia)
- Overtime (Australia)
- Gorilla (France)
- I Am A Pencil (Australia)
- The Last Journey of the Enigmatic Paul WR (France).
Filmgoers in San Antonio will unite with over 100,000 film lovers across the world to view and judge the work of the next generation of filmmakers at the 2016 Manhattan Short Film Festival.
Manhattan Short’s unique feature is that it offers cinema goers a chance to become film critics, filling out a ballot after the screening that allows them to vote for Best Film and Best Actor. Votes will be sent to Manhattan Short HQ, and winners announced at ManhattanShort.com on Monday, October 3.
All of the final 10 short films will become Oscar-qualified, meaning they will become automatically eligible for an Academy Award nomination. The ten finalist films include:
- The Tunnel (Norway)
- Carousel (UK)
- Kaputt (Germany)
- Ella Got A Promotion? (USA)
- Hold On (The Netherlands)
- Bravoman (Russia)
- Overtime (Australia)
- Gorilla (France)
- I Am A Pencil (Australia)
- The Last Journey of the Enigmatic Paul WR (France).