Star Wars Hysteria
Awaken the force within at San Antonio's 9 best Star Wars events

Ten years ago, the last chapter in the history of Star Wars was written. Revenge of the Sith completed the trilogy, but that was the gospel according to 20th Century Fox. Now that Disney is commanding the fleet, there is new life to old characters and new characters in an ancient story.
The Force Awakens takes place 30 years after the Battle of Endor portrayed in Return of the Jedi. Leading up to the next episode opening December 17, we've rounded up the best Star Wars events in the Alamo City. May the force be with you!
Nerdtacular is the nerdiest con in the city. Santa Darth Vader will be in attendance and guests are highly encouraged to cosplay. Enjoy performers, panels, music, and food at Wonderland of the Americas. Fifty unique vendors of toys, collectibles, clothing, and jewelry will have something for every Star Wars nerd.
Saturday, December 12 at 10 am; Sunday, December 13 at 1 pm
"Star Wars: The Force of Art" Gallery
"Star Wars: The Force of Art" is a one-day gallery exhibition sponsored by Alamo City Comic Con and Alamo City Artjam at Centro de Artes. Paintings from nationally known artists Drew Struzan, Terese Nielsen, Adam Hughes, Jason Palmer, Lawrence Reynolds, Dave Wilkins, Gary Villareal, and more will be displayed in this free exhibit until 7 pm.
Saturday, December 12 at noon
Lone Star Wars: A Renewed Hope Art Extravaganza
Lone Star Wars features the full power of the force by local mural artists. Scotch Willington, David Blancas, and others will showcase their Star Wars-inspired art at the Second Saturday Paint Jam at The Paint Yard. The traveling extravaganza brings together the world of art and geek culture. Although the event is free, bring your wallet in case you desire to purchase some art. Cosplayers, fun photo opportunities, and open discussions on the Star Wars films will be offered until 8 pm.
Saturday, December 12 at 1 pm
Kidz Night Out: Star Wars
Registration for Star Wars Kidz Night Out is $35 per child. What you receive is a high-energy evening full of Lego entertainment for kids ages 5 to 12. Pizza, games, projects, and more than 20,000 Lego bricks are provided. Children are supervised by the Bricks 4 Kidz center's trained staff to allow adults some time alone for Christmas shopping. Bricks 4 Kidz will also offer a Star Wars Spring Break Camp March 14 through 18 of 2016. Refer to Facebook for more details.
Saturday, December 12 at 7 pm
San Antonio Wookie Walk
The San Antonio Wookie Walk is not just for bipeds from the planet Kashyyyk. It is an event where Star Wars fans come together to show their love of the light or dark side of the force. Live music, artists, vendors, and a car show will be offered along the walk at the largest Star Wars event in the city. Bring comfortable shoes to this free event. The route moves from the Tower of the Americas to the Alamo. It gets dark early, so be sure and bring your light saber.
Sunday, December 13 at 4 pm
Kreative Karaoke presents The Voice Awakens
Star Wars Kreative Karaoke will celebrate the new movie with live performances, art galleries, karaoke, and Star Wars-themed drinks at the bar. There will be raffles and a costume contest. You must be 21 or over to attend this free event at Limelight.
Tuesday, December 15 at 9 pm
Stars Wars Marathon
The Star Wars Marathon in cinema starts at 4 am with Episode I (The Phantom Menace) and continues until 7 pm with Episode VII (The Force Awakens).
Thursday, December 17
Star Wars Fandomania
Santikos is the must-visit destination during the opening weekend of The Force Awakens. The theaters encourage attendees to dress up in good taste. Blasters must be left in the car and light sabers must be turned off during the screening. The theater will also be rewarding anyone in costume with popcorn and ticket giveaways.
Thursday, December 17 through Sunday, December 20
Third Annual Star Wars Party
The Third Annual Star Wars Party at Brass Monkey features no cover and $1.75 tall boys. The venue will be decorated and encourages all patrons to do the same. Plus, free Star Wars shirts will go to the first 20 customers.
Friday, December 18 at 10 pm
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