Horrible Cinema
The 10 worst movies of 2016 should be avoided at all costs
Jan 2, 2017 | 9:33 am
There is no rhyme or reason for why a movie turns out to be bad. Sometimes you can see a stinker coming from the very first trailer, and sometimes it's not until you're sitting there enduring supreme boredom that it hits you. Whatever the case, these, the 10 worst movies of 2016, should be avoided at all costs.
Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures
6. Silence [https://www.silencemovie.com/] The long-gestating film from writer/director Martin Scorsese won't get a wide release until January 13, but it's included here because it was screened early for critics. A mildly interesting story about two Jesuit priests (Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver) sent to Japan in the 1600s to find another priest turns slow and repetitive, with Scorsese taking almost three hours to make his point. He also allows his actors to overact on multiple occasions, robbing the film of any emotion it could have had. The film might have had a moment when Scorsese first wanted to make it, but that time has passed.