editorial series
San Antonio Charity Challenge 2016

Charity Profile

San Antonio-based Soldiers' Angels gives back to troops with lots of love

Soldier's Angels charity organization army service
Soldiers' Angels works tirelessly to support our nation's veterans and active military members. Soldiers' Angels/Facebook

Editor's note: CultureMap is committed to shining a light on San Antonio-area nonprofits and their impact on our community. So, we're launching the CultureMap San Antonio Charity Challenge, highlighting deserving local organizations — one of which will become our charity partner for 2016 based on readers' votes. To help you decide, get to know one of our six selected finalists, Soldiers' Angels.

The motivation behind Soldiers' Angels is simple: No soldier should go unloved. Since its start, Soldiers' Angels has worked tirelessly to support our nation’s veterans, wounded warriors, deployed service members, and their families. In addition, the nonprofit has supplied injured vets with more than 25,000 of its first-response backpacks at the combat support hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan. Soldiers' Angels goes above and beyond the call of duty to give each soldier the support and care they deserve.

Other programs, including Days for the Brave and Soldiers' Angels Adopt-a-Family, ensure the support of military families across the nation. With the help of donations, Soldiers' Angels has provided voice-controlled/adaptive laptops to more than 6,000 severely wounded service members.

Vote now for Soldiers' Angels — or any of the other worthy local nonprofits — in the CultureMap Charity Challenge running through December 30. A winner will be announced January 5, 2016, and will receive a CultureMap advertising package worth $10,000.


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