Steeven Sandoval, known as “La Voz del Mariachi,” returns to San Antonio by popular demand to headline the Serenata Para Las Madres concert. Sandoval will be accompanied by Mariachi Azteca de América, directed by Gino Rivera. The artists will perform favorite traditional mariachi classics as well as selections that pay tribute to mothers on their special weekend.
Steeven Sandoval, known as “La Voz del Mariachi,” returns to San Antonio by popular demand to headline the Serenata Para Las Madres concert. Sandoval will be accompanied by Mariachi Azteca de América, directed by Gino Rivera. The artists will perform favorite traditional mariachi classics as well as selections that pay tribute to mothers on their special weekend.
Steeven Sandoval, known as “La Voz del Mariachi,” returns to San Antonio by popular demand to headline the Serenata Para Las Madres concert. Sandoval will be accompanied by Mariachi Azteca de América, directed by Gino Rivera. The artists will perform favorite traditional mariachi classics as well as selections that pay tribute to mothers on their special weekend.