Remember is a musical honoring those who gave their lives for Texas. Stephen F. Austin, Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and William Barret Travis sought better lives in Texas, a land of liberty, a land of new beginnings, a land of hope. And at the heart of the story, of Texas and all Texans to come is the Alamo. A musical concert featuring a 60-piece symphony, 11 actors and 100-voice chorus, the powerful performance speaks to the legends, the lore and the spirit of Texas.
Remember is a musical honoring those who gave their lives for Texas. Stephen F. Austin, Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and William Barret Travis sought better lives in Texas, a land of liberty, a land of new beginnings, a land of hope. And at the heart of the story, of Texas and all Texans to come is the Alamo. A musical concert featuring a 60-piece symphony, 11 actors and 100-voice chorus, the powerful performance speaks to the legends, the lore and the spirit of Texas.
Remember is a musical honoring those who gave their lives for Texas. Stephen F. Austin, Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and William Barret Travis sought better lives in Texas, a land of liberty, a land of new beginnings, a land of hope. And at the heart of the story, of Texas and all Texans to come is the Alamo. A musical concert featuring a 60-piece symphony, 11 actors and 100-voice chorus, the powerful performance speaks to the legends, the lore and the spirit of Texas.