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Beloved San Antonio BBQ joint's reopening tops 5 most popular stories

Bandit BBQ is back in business.
Editor's note: It's time to look back at the top San Antonio news of the week. We begin with the triumphant return of a favorite barbecue restaurant, along with a look at San Antonio's top pastry chefs. Plus, a new record store spins into Southtown. Get the details below, and then find some weekend fun right here.
1. Beloved San Antonio barbecue joint reopens after 3-year break. After three years, Southtown favorite Bandit BBQ & Burger has reopened in a new space. It's now operating at 2769 Nacogdoches Rd., where Biff Buzzy's Backyard just closed.
2. Hill Country wildflower experts reveal forecast for 2025 Texas blooms. The annual Texas wildflower forecast sees a mixed outlook for 2025, with regional changes expected across the Lone Star State. According to experts at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, persistent drought conditions will likely impact blooms this year.
3. 3 Texas beaches sail among top spring break destinations for 2025. San Antonians don't have to travel too far to reach one of the top 10 beach destinations, according to this index.
4. Record shop brings sweet sounds into San Antonio bar space. The owners of Southtown's Gimme Gimme have transformed their next door wine bar concept into a second location for Friends of Sound record shop.
Wine bar A Perfect Day has been converted to a record store — but there's still booze.
Photo courtesy of Friends of Sound
5. San Antonio's 7 best pastry chefs make dessert a piece of cake. Pastry chefs are the unsung heroes of the kitchen. Our nominees for CultureMap Tastemaker Awards Pastry Chef of the Year combine encyclopedic knowledge of flavors with scientific know-how and an eye for beautiful detail.