It's almost Valentine's Day and love is in the air — just not in San Antonio. has released its 2018 Singles in America study, and it seems Alamo City men are among the worst behaved singles in the country.
In order to create a profile on modern dating in America, the site surveyed more than 5,000 singletons across the U.S. to determine what dating looks like in 2018. What the site found, however, is that San Antonio men are among the most likely to "ghost" or return as "zombies" to potential partners.
For those who aren't hip to the lingo, ghosting is "quietly disappearing after days, weeks, or even months of consistent communication and/or dates," says Match. This behavior is most often exhibited by suddenly ceasing to respond to calls or texts. Likewise, a zombie is someone who returns months after cutting off contact, usually with a vague text or via social media.
According to data, San Antonio men are 60 percent more likely to "ghost" a current partner, the second worst in the country behind Austin. Rounding out the top five places for "ghosts" are Los Angeles (54 percent); Baltimore (53 percent); and Nashville (52 percent).
Alamo City men are also likely to return from the dead and "zombie" someone. According to Match, San Antonio men are 44 percent more likely to text a former lover after months of silence, tying with Los Angeles. Other badly behaved cities on the list are Austin (59 percent); Portland, Oregon (55 percent); and Jacksonville (45 percent).
But it's not all bad. While Austin also topped the list of men most likely to "breadcrumb" someone (which is keeping contact with someone with no plans to date them), San Antonio men don't appear to string partners along, they just disappear forever without a trace.