A puff of fresh air
New San Antonio delivery service brings convenience stores to your door

We’ve all been there. A sudden craving for nachos strikes, but the pantry is bare of chips, or a roommate forgets to replace the carton after using the last few drops of creamer. Unless one is lucky enough to live next to a grocery store, such shortages can ruin an entire day.
Thanks to the launch of a new delivery service, those everyday vexations can now be easily solved. After rolling out to limited areas on April 22 with little fanfare, Philadelphia-based goPuff announced via release that it is expanding its service area to most San Antonio ZIP codes the week of May 6.
The basic format of goPuff is similar to other delivery apps like Postmates, Instacart, and H-E-B-owned Favor, but instead of picking up products from outside stores, the company pulls from a warehouse stocking over 2,500 convenience store items.
The business model helps keep costs low — customers are only charged a flat $1.95 delivery fee no matter the time of day or weather. And it also allows the service to operate from noon until 4:30 am, servicing customers when most shops are closed.
“GoPuff’s mission is to create more time in the day for our customer by consistently redefining the very meaning of convenience to provide a high-quality experience at an exceptional value. We’re thrilled to bring that experience to San Antonio and deliver the moments that matter most to this vibrant community,” said goPuff co-founder Rafael Ilishayev in a release.
Ilishayev added that San Antonio was the natural next stop after bringing its service to Austin and, most recently, to Dallas.
“With the concentration of universities and the vibrant community, San Antonio is a great area for goPuff to deliver the moments that matter most,” he said, repeating the company mantra. Hey, when you have a good tagline, why waste it?
Sadly, one of those moments won’t be when San Antonians feel the need to party. Although select markets deliver beer, wine, and liquor, Alamo City's goPuff is dry.