Hedwig and the Angry Inch follows Hedwig Robinson (Roy Thomas), a transgender East German singer of a fictional rock-n-roll band, who is the victim of a botched sex change operation which has left him, now her, with just “an angry inch.” The rock singer’s relentless search for love and her other half is performed in song and monologue in the form of a gig backed by a rock band “The Angry Inch.” Notable songs painting the picture include “The Origin of Love” and “Sugar Daddy.”
Performances will feature pre-show opening acts from local performance troupes including musicians, street performers, drag artists and burlesque performers. Vendors and local artists will sell their wares and creations in the lobby before and after the show. The Saturday afternoon show will be a benefit for Fiesta Youth, Pride San Antonio and American Veterans for Equal Rights. A small reception will be held after each performance to meet, greet, and network.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch follows Hedwig Robinson (Roy Thomas), a transgender East German singer of a fictional rock-n-roll band, who is the victim of a botched sex change operation which has left him, now her, with just “an angry inch.” The rock singer’s relentless search for love and her other half is performed in song and monologue in the form of a gig backed by a rock band “The Angry Inch.” Notable songs painting the picture include “The Origin of Love” and “Sugar Daddy.”
Performances will feature pre-show opening acts from local performance troupes including musicians, street performers, drag artists and burlesque performers. Vendors and local artists will sell their wares and creations in the lobby before and after the show. The Saturday afternoon show will be a benefit for Fiesta Youth, Pride San Antonio and American Veterans for Equal Rights. A small reception will be held after each performance to meet, greet, and network.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch follows Hedwig Robinson (Roy Thomas), a transgender East German singer of a fictional rock-n-roll band, who is the victim of a botched sex change operation which has left him, now her, with just “an angry inch.” The rock singer’s relentless search for love and her other half is performed in song and monologue in the form of a gig backed by a rock band “The Angry Inch.” Notable songs painting the picture include “The Origin of Love” and “Sugar Daddy.”
Performances will feature pre-show opening acts from local performance troupes including musicians, street performers, drag artists and burlesque performers. Vendors and local artists will sell their wares and creations in the lobby before and after the show. The Saturday afternoon show will be a benefit for Fiesta Youth, Pride San Antonio and American Veterans for Equal Rights. A small reception will be held after each performance to meet, greet, and network.