An annual showcase of high school media arts film projects, the screening includes three narrative shorts and a series of digital stories created through Project Papalote, a national and international initiative for Say Si students to travel and collaborate with their contemporaries in art projects that create social impact. Project Papalote is funded by Adobe Innovation Grant. The projects highlighted at the screening are collaborations with SpyHop in Utah; and Raw Artworks in Boston.
An annual showcase of high school media arts film projects, the screening includes three narrative shorts and a series of digital stories created through Project Papalote, a national and international initiative for Say Si students to travel and collaborate with their contemporaries in art projects that create social impact. Project Papalote is funded by Adobe Innovation Grant. The projects highlighted at the screening are collaborations with SpyHop in Utah; and Raw Artworks in Boston.
An annual showcase of high school media arts film projects, the screening includes three narrative shorts and a series of digital stories created through Project Papalote, a national and international initiative for Say Si students to travel and collaborate with their contemporaries in art projects that create social impact. Project Papalote is funded by Adobe Innovation Grant. The projects highlighted at the screening are collaborations with SpyHop in Utah; and Raw Artworks in Boston.