Mini-Mini Con is a free anime and popular culture convention hosted by San Japan and Nine Tails. The convention will include artists and vendors, cosplay, guests, panels, gaming of all kind, and music events.
The special guest will be Dawn Bennett, anime and video game voice actress (Sky Wizards Academy, Fairy Tail, One Piece). Musical guests will include vocalist Caleb Hyles and DJs Sephi Hakubi and Brandon Legacy.
Mini-Mini Con is a free anime and popular culture convention hosted by San Japan and Nine Tails. The convention will include artists and vendors, cosplay, guests, panels, gaming of all kind, and music events.
The special guest will be Dawn Bennett, anime and video game voice actress (Sky Wizards Academy, Fairy Tail, One Piece). Musical guests will include vocalist Caleb Hyles and DJs Sephi Hakubi and Brandon Legacy.
Mini-Mini Con is a free anime and popular culture convention hosted by San Japan and Nine Tails. The convention will include artists and vendors, cosplay, guests, panels, gaming of all kind, and music events.
The special guest will be Dawn Bennett, anime and video game voice actress (Sky Wizards Academy, Fairy Tail, One Piece). Musical guests will include vocalist Caleb Hyles and DJs Sephi Hakubi and Brandon Legacy.