Musical Bridges Around the World presents “Black Swan,” featuring a performance by violinist Tim Fain, considered a multimedia visionary exploring the intersection of music, art, dance and cinema. Fain performed on-screen and on the sound track for the film, Black Swan. Also performing is pianist Robert Koenig, who has established a reputation as a sought-after collaborative pianist and chamber musician. He performs regularly in major centers throughout the world with many of this generation’s renowned musicians.
Musical Bridges Around the World presents “Black Swan,” featuring a performance by violinist Tim Fain, considered a multimedia visionary exploring the intersection of music, art, dance and cinema. Fain performed on-screen and on the sound track for the film, Black Swan. Also performing is pianist Robert Koenig, who has established a reputation as a sought-after collaborative pianist and chamber musician. He performs regularly in major centers throughout the world with many of this generation’s renowned musicians.
Musical Bridges Around the World presents “Black Swan,” featuring a performance by violinist Tim Fain, considered a multimedia visionary exploring the intersection of music, art, dance and cinema. Fain performed on-screen and on the sound track for the film, Black Swan. Also performing is pianist Robert Koenig, who has established a reputation as a sought-after collaborative pianist and chamber musician. He performs regularly in major centers throughout the world with many of this generation’s renowned musicians.