Based on "Just So" Stories by Rudyard Kipling, the author of The Jungle Book, and adapted by Christina Calvit and Meryl Friedman, this classic collection of animal fables includes the beloved tales "How the Elephant Got Her Trunk," "How the Camel Got His Hump," and the exciting "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi," the brave mongoose who saves his boy from a vengeful Cobra. Varying from whimsical to moral, these iconic stories are set in colonial India and are peppered with Indian music and dance.
Based on "Just So" Stories by Rudyard Kipling, the author of The Jungle Book, and adapted by Christina Calvit and Meryl Friedman, this classic collection of animal fables includes the beloved tales "How the Elephant Got Her Trunk," "How the Camel Got His Hump," and the exciting "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi," the brave mongoose who saves his boy from a vengeful Cobra. Varying from whimsical to moral, these iconic stories are set in colonial India and are peppered with Indian music and dance.
Based on "Just So" Stories by Rudyard Kipling, the author of The Jungle Book, and adapted by Christina Calvit and Meryl Friedman, this classic collection of animal fables includes the beloved tales "How the Elephant Got Her Trunk," "How the Camel Got His Hump," and the exciting "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi," the brave mongoose who saves his boy from a vengeful Cobra. Varying from whimsical to moral, these iconic stories are set in colonial India and are peppered with Indian music and dance.