Franco Escamilla, better known as "El Diablo" or "El Amo del Sarcasmo," is a musician, comedian, announcer, and actor. His fame has made him the first comedian to appear at the National Auditorium and other important venues in Mexico such as the Mexico City Arena. Franco has also appeared at the Staples Center along with Gabriel Iglesias, catapulting him to stardom as the biggest stand-up comedian of Mexico and Latin America.
Franco Escamilla, better known as "El Diablo" or "El Amo del Sarcasmo," is a musician, comedian, announcer, and actor. His fame has made him the first comedian to appear at the National Auditorium and other important venues in Mexico such as the Mexico City Arena. Franco has also appeared at the Staples Center along with Gabriel Iglesias, catapulting him to stardom as the biggest stand-up comedian of Mexico and Latin America.
Franco Escamilla, better known as "El Diablo" or "El Amo del Sarcasmo," is a musician, comedian, announcer, and actor. His fame has made him the first comedian to appear at the National Auditorium and other important venues in Mexico such as the Mexico City Arena. Franco has also appeared at the Staples Center along with Gabriel Iglesias, catapulting him to stardom as the biggest stand-up comedian of Mexico and Latin America.