In his new one-man show, Blood & Holly, Jaston Williams remembers Christmas in childhood as a warped hybrid of Toyland and Franco’s Spain. Meet the elderly sisters without any eyebrows, the house cat driven crazy by Christmas decorations, and a gift list that includes rubber knives, moist towelettes, and teeth.
Known nationally as the co-author and co-star of the award-winning plays in the Greater Tuna cycle, Williams will leave audiences in stitches.
In his new one-man show, Blood & Holly, Jaston Williams remembers Christmas in childhood as a warped hybrid of Toyland and Franco’s Spain. Meet the elderly sisters without any eyebrows, the house cat driven crazy by Christmas decorations, and a gift list that includes rubber knives, moist towelettes, and teeth.
Known nationally as the co-author and co-star of the award-winning plays in the Greater Tuna cycle, Williams will leave audiences in stitches.
In his new one-man show, Blood & Holly, Jaston Williams remembers Christmas in childhood as a warped hybrid of Toyland and Franco’s Spain. Meet the elderly sisters without any eyebrows, the house cat driven crazy by Christmas decorations, and a gift list that includes rubber knives, moist towelettes, and teeth.
Known nationally as the co-author and co-star of the award-winning plays in the Greater Tuna cycle, Williams will leave audiences in stitches.