In their first collaboration with San Antonio's Olmos Ensemble, Agarita explores evocative works for mixed ensembles including winds, strings, and piano. This program includes special arrangements by composer Michael Ippolito of Maurice Ravel's "Piano Concerto in G major," Adagio assai, and Camille Saint-Saens' "Dance Macabre."
In their first collaboration with San Antonio's Olmos Ensemble, Agarita explores evocative works for mixed ensembles including winds, strings, and piano. This program includes special arrangements by composer Michael Ippolito of Maurice Ravel's "Piano Concerto in G major," Adagio assai, and Camille Saint-Saens' "Dance Macabre."
Diane Bennack Concert Hall
4301 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209, USA
Admission is free.
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